What is wermgr.exe? Errors, problems, and how to disable

In this article, we will explore the topic of wermgr.exe, including its purpose, common errors and problems, and the methods to disable it.

Latest Update: March 2025This software is designed to address and resolve issues with your exe and dll files. Get it at this link
  1. Download and install the Exe and Dll File Repair Tool.
  2. The software will scan your system to identify issues with exe and dll files.
  3. The tool will then fix the identified issues, ensuring your system runs smoothly.

Overview of wermgr.exe function and purpose

Windows error notification

Wermgr.exe is a process that runs in the background of a Windows operating system and is responsible for managing Windows Error Reporting. Its function is to collect data about software errors and crashes on your computer and send them to Microsoft for analysis.

However, wermgr.exe can sometimes cause problems, such as high CPU usage or frequent error messages. To fix these issues, you can disable wermgr.exe.

To disable wermgr.exe, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Control Panel and go to “System and Security.”
2. Click on “Action Center” and then click on “Change Action Center settings” on the left side of the window.
3. In the “Maintenance” section, uncheck the box next to “Check for solutions to problem reports.”
4. Click “OK” to save the changes.

Disabling wermgr.exe will prevent it from running and sending error reports to Microsoft.

Is wermgr.exe safe and legitimate?

wermgr.exe is a legitimate and safe process that is a part of the Windows Error Reporting system. It is responsible for collecting and sending error reports to Microsoft when a program crashes or encounters an error. While it is a necessary component of the operating system, some users may experience issues or errors related to wermgr.exe.

If you are experiencing problems with wermgr.exe, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can try. First, you can disable Windows Error Reporting through the Control Panel or Group Policy. Additionally, scanning your computer for malware with reputable antivirus software such as Kaspersky Lab or running a full system scan with VirusTotal can help identify any potential threats.

Origin and creator of wermgr.exe

Windows error message

wermgr.exe is a legitimate executable file that is part of the Windows Error Reporting system in Microsoft Windows. It is responsible for collecting and sending error reports to Microsoft when a program crashes or encounters an error. The file is located in the System32 folder and is a critical component of the Windows operating system. It is not a virus or malware, but it can sometimes cause issues or errors on your computer. If you are experiencing problems related to wermgr.exe, you can try disabling it by following these steps:

See also  Logitech G920 WheelDriverCleaner.exe Download Errors

1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Go to the System and Security section.
3. Click on the Action Center.
4. In the left pane, click on “Change Action Center settings.”
5. Under “Maintenance messages,” uncheck the box next to “Windows Error Reporting.”
6. Click on “OK” to save the changes.

Disabling wermgr.exe will prevent error reports from being sent to Microsoft, but it may also prevent you from receiving important updates or fixes for your system. Use this option with caution and consider re-enabling it if you encounter any issues or errors in the future.

import subprocess

def get_running_processes():
result = subprocess.run(['tasklist'], capture_output=True, text=True)
process_list = result.stdout.strip().split('\n')[3:] # Remove header rows
processes = []
for process in process_list:
process_info = process.split()
'name': process_info[0],
'pid': int(process_info[1]),
'session_name': process_info[2],
'session_number': int(process_info[3]),
# Add more process details if needed
return processes
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Error: 'tasklist' command not found.")
return []

# Example usage
processes = get_running_processes()
for process in processes:
print(f"Process: {process['name']} (PID: {process['pid']})")

The above code demonstrates how to use the `subprocess` module in Python to fetch a list of running processes using the `tasklist` command (specific to Windows). It captures the output and processes it into a dictionary format for easier access to different process attributes. You can modify this code to suit your requirements or explore additional functionalities provided by the `subprocess` module.

Understanding wermgr.exe usage and system impact

wermgr.exe is a process in Windows that is responsible for handling error reporting. It collects information about software and hardware errors on your system and sends it to Microsoft for analysis. While it can be helpful in identifying and resolving issues, it can also impact system performance.

If you’re experiencing errors or problems related to wermgr.exe, here’s how you can disable it:

1. Open the Control Panel and go to “System and Security.”
2. Click on “Security and Maintenance.”
3. Under “Maintenance,” click on “Settings for problem reports and solutions.”
4. Select “Never check for solutions” and click “OK.”

Disabling wermgr.exe can prevent error reporting, but keep in mind that you won’t receive any solutions or recommendations from Microsoft. If you’re concerned about the impact on system performance, consider using antivirus software to ensure your system is protected.

Latest Update: March 2025

We strongly recommend using this tool to resolve issues with your exe and dll files. This software not only identifies and fixes common exe and dll file errors but also protects your system from potential file corruption, malware attacks, and hardware failures. It optimizes your device for peak performance and prevents future issues:

  1. Download and Install the Exe and Dll File Repair Tool (Compatible with Windows 11/10, 8, 7, XP, Vista).
  2. Click Start Scan to identify the issues with exe and dll files.
  3. Click Repair All to fix all identified issues.


Dealing with wermgr.exe malware and removal tools

wermgr.exe is a potential malware that can cause errors and problems on your computer. To remove it, you can use reliable removal tools such as Kaspersky Lab or VirusTotal.

To disable wermgr.exe, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Control Panel in Windows.
2. Navigate to the Group Policy settings.
3. Look for the option related to wermgr.exe and disable it.
4. Alternatively, you can use the Windows Registry to disable wermgr.exe.
5. Be cautious when modifying the Registry, as it can affect system stability.
6. If you’re unsure, seek professional assistance or use a trusted malware removal tool.

Troubleshooting wermgr.exe issues (e.g., not responding, high CPU usage)

If you’re experiencing issues with wermgr.exe, such as it not responding or causing high CPU usage, there are a few steps you can take to resolve the problem.

First, try restarting your computer. This can often fix temporary issues and restore normal functioning.

If that doesn’t work, you can try disabling wermgr.exe. To do this, open the Control Panel and navigate to the “Programs” or “Programs and Features” section. From there, select “Turn Windows features on or off” and uncheck the box next to “Windows Error Reporting”.

Alternatively, you can use the Task Manager to end the wermgr.exe process. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager, navigate to the “Processes” tab, find wermgr.exe, right-click on it, and select “End Task”.

Associated software and startup behavior of wermgr.exe

Windows error message

Associated Software Startup Behavior
Windows Error Reporting Manager Enabled by default
Windows operating systems Runs as a background process
Various applications May trigger error reports

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Exploring alternatives to wermgr.exe

Windows error message

  1. Use an alternative error reporting tool
    • Research and identify alternative error reporting tools available
    • Download and install the chosen alternative tool
    • Configure the tool according to your preferences
    • Test the tool to ensure it is functioning correctly
  2. Disable Windows Error Reporting
    • Open Control Panel by clicking on the Start button and selecting Control Panel
    • Click on System and Security
    • Under Action Center, click on Change Action Center settings
    • Click on Problem reporting settings
      Under Action Center, click on Change Action Center settings
Click on Problem reporting settings
    • Select Never check for solutions
    • Click OK to save the changes
  3. Manage error reporting through Group Policy
    • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box
    • Type gpedit.msc and press Enter
    • In the Local Group Policy Editor window, navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Error Reporting
    • Double-click on Disable Windows Error Reporting policy
      In the Local Group Policy Editor window, navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Error Reporting
Double-click on Disable Windows Error Reporting policy
    • Select Enabled to disable Windows Error Reporting
    • Click OK to save the changes
      Select Enabled to disable Windows Error Reporting
Click OK to save the changes
  4. Manually delete or rename wermgr.exe
    • Open File Explorer by pressing Windows Key + E
    • Navigate to the directory where wermgr.exe is located (usually in C:\Windows\System32)
    • Right-click on wermgr.exe and select Delete or Rename
    • If you choose to rename, provide a new name for the file
    • Confirm the action when prompted

Compatibility with different Windows versions

Windows logo

Windows Version Compatibility
Windows XP Compatible
Windows Vista Compatible
Windows 7 Compatible
Windows 8 Compatible
Windows 8.1 Compatible
Windows 10 Compatible

Downloading and updating wermgr.exe

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